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Cindy Seen Leaving Courtoom on Thursday with Pants on Fire

June 24, 2011

Cindy Anthony was called back to the stand on Thursday and shocked everyone by taking credit for some of the sinister searches performed on a desktop computer in the Anthony home on March 17 and March 21, 2008. It quickly became apparent that Cindy’s testimony was as fabricated as Casey’s job at Universal Studios. Cindy’s agenda was obvious. She attempted to poke holes in the State’s key evidence of premeditation in order to help keep her daughter from a first degree murder conviction and possible death sentence. Apparently she decided to take matters into her own hands since the defense has not been successful in their efforts to discredit the State’s evidence. If only she could’ve consulted with Casey before taking the stand, her testimony might have been more believable.

Let’s examine Cindy’s testimony, shall we?

Anthony: I started looking at chlorophyll and I was concerned about my smallest Yorkie -we have two Yorkie puppies. The smallest one was having some issues where she was extremely tired all the time. Both of the dogs would eat the bamboo leaves out in the back. So I started looking up sources from the back yard that could potentially cause her to be more sleepy than it would affect the larger dog.  And I started looking up chloroform… I mean chlorophyll… and that prompted me to look up chloroform.
Baez: Now I don’t understand how you could get those two mixed up.
Anthony: Not getting them mixed up. If you look into chlorophyll there’s some bacteria associated with chlorophyll production and looking up that, it comes from different species of plants that have red and brown coloring. That prompted me to look up chlorophyll because some species of algae and seaweeds and stuff produce naturally chloroform.

Unlike Cindy, I actually Googled chlorophyll. It is not toxic to dogs. On the contrary, it is considered beneficial. I found no evidence of chloroform being a natural byproduct of chlorophyll. The only truth in Cindy’s statement is that there are certain types of seaweed which produce chloroform naturally: brown, green and red seaweed. Cindy had absolutely no reason to suspect any of the plants in their back yard of naturally producing chloroform, unless she was growing brown, green or red seaweed. There was one amazingly simple solution to her query about the possibility of outdoor plants causing her Yorkie puppy to be unusually drowsy. What do most, if not all, pet owners do when they have concerns about their pets? Call a veterinarian! Who in their right mind Googles chlorophyll or chloroform in an effort to find out why their dog is abnormally sleepy? No one. They call a veterinarian and say something like, “Hey, my dog is pretty sleepy lately. What could be causing this?”

Baez: How do you know you ran these searches in March of 2008?
Anthony: Because I also ran a few other searches at the same time in March. There was a scare about using hand sanitizers around small children. There was an email that went around my work. One of my nurses had sent me an email knowing that, you know, Caylee was of age that she could be affected if we used hand sanitizer and she got her hands on it. That scare came out in March and during the same time I was looking up the issues about the dogs I was looking up ingredients in the hand sanitizer, the alcohol. That prompted me to look up other things we had in the house like acetone, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol.

Shhh! Don't tell anyone I'm about to commit perjury!

There was no “hand sanitizer scare” in 2008. The only newsworthy items concerning hand sanitizer dangers were not even published in 2008. In 2006, The New York Times reported concerns over one brand of hand sanitizer being sold in stores, as well as homemade hand sanitizers, not containing the minimum amount of alcohol concentration necessary to kill most harmful bacteria and viruses. A 2007 Chicago Tribune blog post warned about children and adults getting drunk off of hand sanitizer. As a nurse, Cindy would not need news articles or emails circulating at work to inform her of the dangers of ingesting hand sanitizer. She certainly would not need to Google other household items such as acetone, hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol in order to know that those are usually only harmful when ingested by adults and children. I am by no means a medical professional, but common sense tells me these are not things people should ingest! C’mon Cindy!

Baez: Did you run any other types of searches during that time, and I’m specifically referring to March of 2008, that might have to do with any types of injuries?
Anthony: Yes. A good friend of mine was in a car accident and had multiple chest and head injuries and had a lot of blood loss. I was looking up specific terminology that someone had asked me to look up. At work I don’t have access to the regular internet. We have our own Gentiva internet. So I had to do those types of searches at home. I couldn’t do it at work.

Would Cindy have us believe that there are no medical terminology resources available at her place of employment in the healthcare industry? That’s like saying there are no dictionaries at the library! Maybe she didn’t have access to “regular internet,” but surely there was a book or two at her office with such information!

Baez: We have your work records in evidence and it shows that you worked pretty much a regular schedule during that time period.
Anthony: I took a day off during that time period. Usually during the month of March a couple of important holidays fall in that timeframe and typically I would take certain holidays off because I had six weeks of vacation.

When asked under cross examination if she was home on March 17, 2008 between 1:43PM and 1:55PM, Cindy said she took some hours off during that week. She stated that since her anniversary and Casey’s birthday were during that week she “did go home early a couple of days.” Can you say inconsistent statements, boys and girls? Cindy said she would only be able to say with certainty what time she left work on the days in question if she had access to her work emails from that time period. Under direct examination she mentioned using a time card, yet on cross she said that her work emails were required to determine what times she left work? Hmm. She went on to say that it was no longer possible to access her work emails. How convenient! It is obvious which Anthony family member has the true talent for lying and it is not Cindy!

Linda Drane Burdick asked Cindy which user account she used when she got on the computer at home. Cindy played dumb and pretended not to understand what the prosecutor was talking about. At one point Cindy even asked if Drane Burdick was talking about the laptop or desktop. There’s not logical reason Cindy should have known the computer in question was the desktop other than the fact that it was the only computer she had been asked about throughout her testimony!  

Cindy might have been able to pass her testimony off as credible to the jury had she not gone one step too far with her lying. She testified on cross examination and redirect that the “Owner” user account on the desktop was not password protected. Why was this significant enough to discredit her entire testimony? Picture it. Orlando. June 8, 2011. A computer forensic expert by the name of Detective Sandra Osbourne testified that during her examination of the desktop in question she discovered that the “Owner” user account was password protected in March of 2008. She also stated the password was “rico23.”  Linda Drane Burdick reaffirmed this fact by asking Det. Osbourne about the password on cross examination today. Aw, too bad Cindy. You were so close!

It will be interesting to see what transpires in court today! Let’s hope the defense doesn’t revert back to coma-inducing scientific testimony!

Videos of Cindy’s testimony can be found here:,0,1426663.story

6 Comments leave one →
  1. grownyoungmom permalink
    June 24, 2011 7:51 am

    like her Mother, Casey gives SOOOO much details with her lies, it’s obvious where she got this trait!

  2. WhiteTrashGal permalink
    June 24, 2011 12:50 pm

    Well done. But my favorite lie by far was Cindy’s impeccable memory of a POP-UP! Of a SKATEBOARDER! Three years later on the witness stand she remembersTHE CAPTION: “NECK-BREAKING FEAT”! Key words: NECK-BREAKING. That was the deal-breaker for me. Clearly she memorized what she needed to explain with lies. Casey’s proud of her major role model, no doubt.

  3. WALLYnWV permalink
    June 24, 2011 7:10 pm

    On a blog a couple of weeks ago you were trying to find a lip reader to see what Casey was saying in court. I told you then that I would see if my brother-in-law could watch the vid and make anything of it. He finally came around and I’m sorry to say he couldn’t tell what she was saying. Sorry we couldn’t help.

  4. Joy Nicholaou permalink
    June 28, 2011 5:11 pm

    such a horrible tragedy and a horrible world makes no excuse what so ever….in 2006 my father killed my step mother my sister which was accident and killed himself…my mother michelle marie Nicholaou who i thaught left me when i was a child…found out that very day has been missing since i was two…even though i loved my father micheal nicholaou so very very much and he was a hero and helicopter pilot in the army… if he was to survive never would i lie or cover up for him…i didnt know my mother…and i probably never will…caylee deserves the truth just like my mother michelle…. shame on you cindy…i know casey is your daughter but what about caylee? may God show the truth

  5. July 1, 2011 7:19 pm

    hi wally casey mouthed son of a bitch to her fatherl read lips thiss is why l am telling you.

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